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We are pleased to announce that SIFCo has a new home. We are now situated at 5645 Hoodikoff Road, Winlaw, in our beautiful new building.

This has proved to be a great investment and an investment in our future. The building that now houses our office and shop, was originally built as a mechanical shop by Bob Avis, a member of a long time Slocan Valley family.

We no longer pay rent. We have a much more functional office space and have been able to consolidate storage of all of our equipment.

All of our operations are handled more efficiently and with more ease.

We can store trees here before planting them and our crew supervisor even has his own desk.

We also have the capacity to store several loads of specialty timber for local markets & even the capacity to host our own community events. This purchase demonstrates our presence in, and commitment to, our community.

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