In 2017, the Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative (SIFCo) was retained by the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) - with support from the Villages of New Denver, Silverton, and Slocan - to create a Community Wildfire Protection Plan for Electoral Area H.
Due to the large geographic area, diverse ecosystems, and abundance of communities throughout the Slocan Valley, two CWPPs were developed: Area H North and Area H South.
The Area of Interest for this CWPP encompasses the Villages of New Denver and Silverton, and the communities of the Regional District Central Kootenay Electoral Area H North.
Following the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative 2017 Community Wildfire Protection Plan Template, January 23, 2018 version, and the 2013 Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Threat Assessment Guide, wildfire threat was determined through a combination of field reconnaissance and spatial data analysis. Results from the wildfire threat analysis indicate that there is a high threat of wildfire throughout the North Slocan Valley.
Through a combination of strategically located fuel treatments, FireSmart activities, and emergency planning and preparedness, the wildfire risk facing the communities of New Denver, Silverton, and Area H North can be mitigated. Our aim is to reduce the likelihood of a wildfire entering the community, reduce impacts and losses to property, critical infrastructure, and values, and reduce negative economic and social impacts to the community as a result of a wildfire.