This Guide provides easy steps to create wildfire resilient landscaping and reduce the wildfire risk on your property. This guide includes an extensive list of fire-resistant plants, as well as tips on how to create a FireSmart™ landscape around your property.
FireSmart BC Homeowner's Manual
This online interactive manual provides easy steps to make your property FireSmart, while also covering how wildfires grow and spread, and the bigger picture of creating FireSmart communities.
FireSmart Begins At Home Manual
This manual outlines the FireSmart program and how each homeowner can make their property and neighbourhood FireSmart
FireSmart Home Development Guide
This guide provides information on FireSmart building design, construction, and materials to help create wildfire-resistant homes.
Wildfire Preparedness Guide
Use this guide to help prepare your household, protect your property and understand what you need to do if a wildfire is close to your community.
Last-Minute Checklists to Protect your Home and Property from Wildfire
FireSmart Last minute checklist
Last-minute wildfire evacuation checklist to protect your home and property from wildfire.
FireSmart Home Ignition Zones Poster
Provides simple steps to reduce the wildfire risk in the FireSmart Home Ignition Zones.
SIFCo Wildfire Evacuation Checklist
Last-minute wildfire evacuation checklist to protect your family and home.
BCWS Wildfire Rank system
BC Wildfire Service uses a ranking scale from 1 to 6 to quickly describe fire behaviour based on a set of visual indicators.