In order to help determine the positions of our Landscape level strategic fuel breaks we use a program known as Flammap.
The FlamMap fire mapping and analysis system is a PC-based program that describes potential fire behavior for constant environmental conditions (weather and fuel moisture).
Potential fire behavior calculations include surface fire spread, crown fire initiation, and crown fire spread.
Dead fuel moisture is calculated using the Nelson model and FlamMap permits conditioning of dead fuels in each pixel based on slope, shading, elevation, aspect, and weather.
To the right is our current SVSLLP map of the north section of our tenure within the Slocan Valley created by our Forestry supervisor Tom Bradley & Manager Stephan Martineau.
When you look at the map you will notice areas where there are double read lines with an arrow head. These are the major fire movement corridors highlighted via FlamMap.
Using these highlighted corridors, our knowledge of the area, and physical inspection of fuel levels we then decide where our fuel breaks will be placed and which type of treatment an area will undergo.
To view our SVSLLP map of the South section of our tenure click here.