SIFCo has been working with the Villages of Slocan, Silverton and New Denver to carry out upgrades on community structures to help mitigate the risk of wildfire to these structures.
The upgrades were funded by UBCM through their Community Resiliency Investment Fund.
All of the structures were Assessed by a local Firesmart representative and we used Firesmart principles and guidelines to carry out the upgrades.

In Slocan we upgraded the Village Office. Examples of the Upgrades were:
- New Hardy plank siding on the exterior of the building
- We created a 1.5m non combustible border around the building using pea gravel
- Pruned back and removed flammable shrubs out of non combustible zone 1A (0 - 1.5m)
- removed adjacent coniferous tree in zone 1
- Removed combustible material away from the structure into zone 3(put fire smart zones picture)
- Upgraded Vents with 1/8 metal mesh screen installed
In Silverton we upgraded the Firehall. Examples of the Upgrades were:
- We created a Non- combustible zone of 1.5m around the building using cement, sand and gravel
- upgraded a wooden door to metal
- Installed new metal siding on the exterior of the building
- We repaired the side deck on the building
- Replaced the seals on the bay doors
- Replaced the metal fascias
In New Denver we upgraded the Community Gym. Examples of the Upgrades were:
- New metal siding on the exterior of the building
- New Fascia Boards
- A new vinyl window
- A non combustible 1.5m perimeter using pea gravel
- Removal of wooden deck
- 2 x newly poured cement pads
- Removal of flammable materials from zone 1 and 2
- Falling and limbing of trees in Zone 1 and 2
- 1/8 metal mesh screens on vents
For more information on How to mitigate your own structures visit

New Hardy Plank Siding and gravel boarder at the Slocan Village Office.